Fibrous and Stringy

Characters Comics Pdfs About me Articles Projects
Update 11/27/24/

Gotten worse somehow
Added some articles about poor me
This is not a cry for help

Update 11/19/24/

Its been a bad few weeks, back to this for a bit though
Eventually this will resemble a useable website
I do like the gallery for the comics, the pages themselfs need a lot of work
Slowly making progress towards something that might work on both mobile and desktop but its definetly been a struggle

Update 10/06/24/

Damn its been a while
thats a lot of the word shit being used in these updates, I am displeased
Well, ill work on the comic reader and see if I can make these updates a scrollable/searchable gallery,
that would be neat I think

Update 02/22/24/

Added PDF links
Thats it.
I'll make this place less shit later I got shit im working on that higher priority

Update 01/04/24 Guns and butter

Update 12/10/23/

I changed something but I dont remember ehat I changed
-need to hgive all pages same headsr and figure out article page layout tommorow, will publish another article and fux the comic page

I am very tired and typing this shit into an html document on a phone isnt helping

Website updatae 12/9/23

-Nothing to note yet today, will either replace the projects section or populate it with something because its pretty sparse

-Wanna develop article selection that doesnt look like total dogshit and should think of a page index for the index page so that your compuuter doesnt explode trying to load updates the moment you click on the site

-also wanna do a index thing for the comics, kinda wanna redo the ones posted digital but thats defnietly not a for now project

-Have a couple more ill post there when I get home and have access to shit

-also wanna figure out how I can make updates without having to manully add to the html code or download someones shitty webtool, notification system would also be neat but definetly out of my reach at the moment.

-planning on learning some javascript so I can start to implement some more advanced elements, still have more basic css shit I need to learn, plus need to figure out why some pages arent working with the preloaded css style sheet

-Probably should figure out how to phase out the use of the *center html command, its depreciated and adds unessisary clutter

-Most of the examples of nav bars I have seen use lists instead of tables, so probably should figure out how to make a decent list nav bar that doesnt fucking explode when I try to load the site on a phone.

-The article page is also dogshit, would be nice to have a clickable icon with a short exerpt of the text beside it

- do wanna make standardized icons for the charecter page, probably mirroring the chicken guy one because its exactly 50x50 px

Website update 12/7/23

-Yeahhh tried to fix the comic page an shit but shits still fucked idek man ill just leave it untill I redo the site

-Made the article actually look decent on mobile, like yeah it doesnt look good but you can read it

-think ill uh work on implementing a better comic fuckin thing like have arrow bars on either side of the content? idk if that would work nice
Could make hoverable areas on either side of the image but that could get annoying on mobile

Website update 12/6/23

-I added an article and carls jr
-Found a way to make collapsable articles and hyper compressed a pdf:
-need to find a cleaner solution shit dont work on mobile

Website update 12/5/23

-Uh figured out how margins worked and shit

-added a marginally functional comic page

-added this "Feature"

-figured out how to add icons to the tab

-revised charecter pages

-messed with css to figure out a better header, had no success

-still need to check if this shit looks ok on mobile if it doesnt imma fuckin kms already sunk too much time into this fuckin bullshit fuck my fuckin life heh?
-What the fuck the comic page just shit itself lmao im not fixing it rn

Website update 12/4/23

-Created a useable comic "reader"
-added two comics to the site
-Screwed around with making images that have a link pop up and shit
z -typed out character pages on my phone at 1 am
-cleaned up some header shit, made them change colors and shit ooooh fuckin fancy

a nice breakfast

My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen on me. Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me.

Salmon on the Thorns